History of Star Wars Part 1

This is a pst for Star Wars fans like me. If you haven’t watched Star Wars, do that first. Are we all ready? Great, let’s start.

Part I: before the Republic

There are many pre-Republic civilizations, but I will start with the humans, because I’m biast. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, before humans in habited Coruscant (sorry Correlian fans) two species lived there. One,the Taung had grey skin, and the Zhell, who looked like humans. They were locked in a struggle for the planet until Zhell City was destroyed by a supervalcano eruption. The thirteen Battalions of Zhell eventually were able to capture the Taung and exile them from the planet, where they eventually settled down on Mandalore and become the Mandalorians. The Zhell eventually evolved into humans which soon spread across Coruscant. This brings us to The Architects, our first great civilization. Little is known about The Architects, aside that they constructed the Correlian System by tractoring the planets of Correlia, Drall, Selonia, Taulus, and Traulus around the star Corell. They were so powerful that they scared the Rafa people into forced primitivism. We don’t know what happened to them. Then come the Gree. They advanced the infrastructure of Coruscant, turning it into an urban planet. Then are the Kwa. The reptilian species known as the Kwa built star gates to travel across the galaxy. Eventually they fell into decline and evolved into the primitive kwi  lizards of Dathomir. As of now the humans have built sleeper ships to carry them to planets like Alderan. Okay, you might be saying, there are lots of cool pre- republic civilizations, but how do they affect the history of Star Wars? Some amongst you might even be saying let’s just get to the republic already. Well, we have one last civilization to talk about

the Rakata

The Rakata evolved on ther world of Lothar, or Rakata Prime. They had an amazingly high percentage of force wielders among them. They used the dark side to build the most powerful hyperspace engine, using it to build their “Infinite Empire”.  Their technology drained the oceans on Tatooine and jump starting the rampant animal and plant growth on Kashyyyk. Eventually, they became too greedy, enslaving whole species like the humans and the Duro. They even built the Star Forge, that took raw material and turned it into massive weapons and starships. This used a lot of the dark side, setting the species up for tragedy.

A virus that only affected the Rakata killed billions, and a mutation of it stripped them of the ability to use the force. The depopulated outposts were quickly destroyed by the slave species. Rakata prime  fell into civil war, and then devolved into primitivism. The newly freed species began working on a hyperdrive, with Correlian and Duro scientists using technological workarounds for the force-using parts of the Rakata hyperdrive. This allowed the core planets to unite in the Galactic Republic. All of the planet’s representatives signed the constitution in the year of 25.000 B.B.Y.

That’s the end of this part, this is such a large topic that I have decided to split it up into as many parts as needed. If you thought this part was bad, you will be thanking me in the comments for the well documented history of the Republic.

Can’t wait to see you soon. Buh-bye!


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